My New Chatty Girl Housemate

Recently a new girl has moved into my houseshare. Up until that moment I was content with being an anti social hermit on my days off from work; happily lying in my own bed in my organised chaos pigsty of a room ordering fast food at any time of day or night and barely having any interactions with other housemates (whom like me like to keep to themselves, but obviously exchange the usual pleasantries when we are in the communal areas of the house).

So let’s call her Brooke (as in babbling brook lol). Brooke is a lovely girl and hasn’t caused any problems or aggravation in the house. My problem is she talks too much and I have ended up spending more time out of my room talking to her. One instance I was working for like 8 shifts in a row during the daytime. Every night I would come home with a takeaway and my usual routine would be go in the house and straight to my room. But for 6 of those nights she would be in the kitchen having her dinner and each night she would always strike a conversation with me whilst my food is getting cold. She doesn’t stop talking. I’m tired and hungry when I come home and the last thing I want is to talk to anyone, regardless of how long the conversation is.

Also when I leave my room to use the bathroom sometimes she will just appear from nowhere and strike up another conversation. Woman I wanna take a shit leave me the fuck alone lol.

Most of the conversations she repeats what she has told me on previous occasions. Fine you don’t like someone at work but you don’t have to tell me the exact same story 3 times. Then there’s the questions, too many questions and sometimes she even repeats them twice. Our letting agent came over the house last week informing us of some maintence work that will be carried out, the majority of the house mates including Brooke were in the kitchen where we all heard him and we all had our questions to make sure we were up to speed. Later that evening she decided to ask me every single question that we all asked him earlier on like she had forgotten what had happened (seriously dude).

It kind of feels like living with your annoying bossy girlfriend without the sex or date nights. Yeah she’s abit bossy too. Always knocking on my door asking me to come out to the kitchen to talk. Usually my room is a mess but I was forced to clean it up properly for an upcoming inspection. Now this is weird because the last couple of days I have seen her I have invited her to my room to hang out (when I’ve prepared myself mentally for her lol), but she has always refused. I certainly have no feelings for her or trying to get lucky. She would be abit cute if she wasn’t so chatty.